Thursday, April 5, 2007

Happy Early Easter

Our A Cappella concert was the past Tuesday evening. One of the pieces we performed was the "Pilgrmis' Hymn" from the opera The Three Hermits. Since then, I have not been able to get the melody or the lyrics out of my head.

I'm not one to judge people or push my beliefs on anyone, but the poem that was set means something to me so I thought I would post it. Happy Easter everyone.

Even before we call on Your name
To ask You, O God,
When we seek for the words to glorify You,
You hear our prayer;
Unceasing love, O unceasing love,
Surpassing all we know.

Glory to the Father,
And to the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit.

Even with the darkness sealing us in,
We breathe Your name,
And through all the days that follow so fast,
We trust in You;
Endless Your grace, O endless Your grace,
Beyond all mortal dream.

Both now and for ever,
And unto ages and ages,

-Michael Dennis Browne

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A Feast of Lanterns

In spring
for sheer delight
I set the lanterns swinging through the trees, swinging,
Bright as the argosies of night,
That ride the clouded billows of the sky

Red dragons leap and plunge
in gold and silver seas.
And o,
o my garden,
gleaming fair, fair and white
Fairer than arogsies of night,
That ride the clouded billows of the sky

And o my garden
gleaming fair and white
You are fairer than all the argosies of night
You have out shone the far, faint moon on high
In spring!

Yuan Mei (1715-1797)