So a couple weeks ago I was hanging out at my friend Bryan's place doing some drinking and playing some Grand Theft Auto 4, the combination of which is the only acceptable form of drinking and driving. Eventually the subject of relationships and his lack thereof arose and me being the person who is always up for creating the most awkward situations imaginable, decided to call up my friend Michelle and let them chat. Numbers were exchanged, but no phone calls were made for about a week. All hope seemed lost and again I was a matchmaking failure, though this time minus the toilet midget, which does speak of improvement.
But then something happened! Phone calls were made. Two hour phone calls, in fact. Soon, Bryan was on his way to Houston for the weekend in order to meet Michelle. What could go wrong, right?
Wait, nothing really did go wrong. After a few drinks, a good sports bar, and fun adventures around Clear Lake, we all ended up on Michelle's back porch where they eventually decided they were dating. They also decided that I was WAY too proud of myself for actually making a successful match. But really, can you blame me? When the best you've ever produced before involves a failed joke about a port-o-potty, you can be damn sure that I was going to be a little proud of myself.
But don't worry. I'm sure this was just my one. From now on I'm probably back to giving some of my best friends some of the most uncomfortable nights of their lives. At least we can laugh about it later, right?

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