Thursday, May 15, 2008


Yes, I am well aware my last post is 6 days shy of being exactly 11 months ago. I digress.

I'm currently sitting upstairs in the game room of my family's house in Houston begging the digital cable to produce something that I actually want to watch. I am fairly certain that sports center will start being a rerun for the rest of the night in a few minutes and there are only so many times I can watch the same sports highlights. Had you known me when I was ten, you would not believe this, as I was the girl watching the Weather Channel on loop constantly. For two years. It's amazing that the local temperature manages to stay constant over the course of ten minutes when the next local forecast comes on. And it's amazing it took me two years to figure this out. When they changed the formatting of the Local Forecast, I was devastated. It was like the Weather Channel dumped me for some fancy formatting with which I was unfamiliar. And I was left wondering where the barometric pressure had gone...

Here I am fourteen years later watching my second helping of Spurs highlights. And no, the outcome of the game will not magically change. But as I said, I am in Houston. While it is a huge city, it helps a lot to have the income to go out and have fun. And this is an income that I just don't have at the moment. SO, here I am, with sports center as my constant companion. There goes Tim Duncan. Again. In fact, I would probably be better off in bed. I'll do that...

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